
from cortland

Thanksgiving Day is drawing to a close and the Christmas season is now upon us. it feels like christmas around here — all day i had the tune, “White Christmas” running through my head because of the beatiful and graceful snowflakes that were coming down and decorating the outdoors. yes, i thought it was very pretty, but i was content to sit indoors on the couch all afternoon and enjoy it from the living room windows.

i set the table tonight. i counted the plates, folded the napkins, and realized again that i really am one of the oldest niece or nephew’s here this week. it’s all very strange and a weird twist in my world.

i was sitting here in the basement last night, watching some lame movie with j. lo, and my brother walked down. i immediately forgot about the movie (which wasn’t hard to do) and we sat and caught up. it’s only been two months since i’ve seen him and yet with all that we had to talk about, i felt like it had been forever. i love seeing him and wish that he wasn’t so far away.

it was a lovely day. i love my family. i love my extended family. i love sitting next to my nephew at dinner and goofing off with him. i love eating a bagel and watching the parade while the sinclair women are moving about the kitchen busily preparing for the big dinner. i love watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas with cousins and siblings (although i hate how everyone is so mean to charlie brown… jamie and i decided that he’s our favorite.). i love hearing about the tennis tournament and hearing the all too confident comments coming from my brother. i love being able to memorize each moment and trying my hardest not to rush anything. i love sleeping in (10:15). i love quoting lines from movies and laughing with my siblings. i loved the turkey (i don’t usually love it, but it was really good today). and i really love my Jesus.

i missed my carina, danica, and ryan today. christmas… we’ll all be together.

and to all you Pittsburgh people who want shots of brietta’s tummy: we’re working on it. hopefully soon we’ll have a few up. it’s just rather hard when you’re not at home.

there’s something about this entry that i just really hate, but figured it’d have to do… oh well.

2 thoughts on “from cortland

  1. Glad to here you’re having a good time. : )
    Did it snow down there? It snowed most of the day up here in the far north, but not much of it stayed. It was to windy…

  2. it was all snowy white when we got here on wednesday, but has since snowed alot more… i hear (and see) that my dear north country has also gotten some snow and it stayed. is that true?

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