

We woke to our first real snow this morning. I forgot how beautiful the white is, how blue the sky seems in contrast, how much light it reflects when the sun decides to make an appearance, and how instantly cozy your house feels. By mid-morning I was walking down the drive to start a fire in the shop and fiddle with the internet that’s been acting up, and I breathed in the crisp air. Ahh. It really is so refreshing.


The boys spent most of the morning outside attempting to sled and driving their Tonka dump trucks through the snowy woods, and came in with rosy cheeks and requests for hot chocolate. After we reviewed the proper way to remove and store our outdoor winter gear (probably my least favorite aspect of this season), they happily played on the living room floor while I prepped lunch and made large mugs of the requested hot beverage. What a lived-in spot, and how I love it.



I found myself thankful to wake to a small bit of snow this morning. My brain can’t seem to catch up to where the date says we are — mid-November! How are we prepping for the holidays already? Has that much time passed in what feels like just a few short weeks?

But yes…

September and October are long gone. A little boy has turned 4, we’re planning the “big 6-year-old party” for another, a few months of homeschooling are somehow behind us, the baby is so much more a toddler than baby these days, we have been gifted with a season of my parents living with us, a friend passed away and a whirlwind weekend trip down to Pittsburgh took place, Christmas presents are being collected, and another gift — a person — has been given to us and I’m in the last few weeks of first trimester glory.

I’ve been in slight denial of where we are, but I think I’m slowly starting to catch up. The snow helped. And the sunshine. And setting aside the need to get bookwork done in the morning and letting two boys play outside for hours instead. And putting dates for special Christmas gatherings down on the calendar. And a morning that didn’t start with my head over the toilet bowl.

Today is for getting my brain to catch up with where we are in life. (Hopefully it means that I’ll stop being shocked every single morning when I sit down, open my journal & calendar, and see what day it is! Ha!)









4 thoughts on “mid-November

  1. Oh Louissa! Congratulations! What a perfect season to snuggle in, and with, a new one – even if for now it is just kicks. Praying for health!

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