
sunshine with Baby

We’ve been soaking up the sun and warmth with many trips to the park (complete with Baby’s first very badly skinned knee resulting in mama’s shirt being blood soaked as we walked back home – what a sight!), a playtime with cousins, and as much time outdoors working on Papa and Nana’s yard as possible with an 18-month-old in tow.

I’ve decided that being able to plop my child on a blanket and putz around in a garden with no fear of him moving is much more conducive to productivity. But that was the season we were in last year. The last few days ,ost of my yard work time was spent pulling one weed, looking around to locate where my child had wandered off to, and usually having to get up and go “redirect” him.


we were outside. And he loves that. And I love that. And it was fun to get dirty and sweaty and mow the lawn and see a garden start to take shape again.

And it made me miss my very small flower garden that I started just a few years ago so much. Somebody, go by my house and tell me how it’s looking.

Yesterday I sat on my parent’s wonderful side porch while Baby wandered from here to there watching Nana garden and I basked in the goodness of my days spent with him. Every single minute (for serious – he wakes when I wake and goes to bed about an hour before I do.). Oh, there are days that are exhausting and one endless training session of dealing with bad attitudes and tantrums like I prayed my child would somehow simply not throw –

But wow. I’ve been called to disciple this little soul and correcting those attitudes, tantrums, and teaching him to not give in when his will leads him the wrong way is the start and part of discipling. And it’s a joy to do what I’m called to.


Lord, help me to be faithful to this work you’ve called me to.

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