
moving on

My little world resembles a snow globe in the hand’s of a small child. The wind is strong, the snow is coming down in full force, and everything seems to be going from side to side and up and down all at once.

The last two months have been long (in regards to the weather). The weather has been miserably low or we’ve had snow storm after snow storm.

But the last two months, as much as I wanted the days to pass by in a slow-breathe-it-all-in sort of way, have also flown by.

You see, a bit over two years ago I uprooted my little self from a world I had always known to settle myself in The Husband’s world. And I thought that was that.

I spent that first fall walking these streets, learning the paths in the woods by the rivers, making this house our very own home, and slowly finding a place in a new church community. I was welcomed and loved and hugged by the warmest women every single Sunday. I figured out how to navigate around a new county and the best spot to buy health food (sometimes in bulk because old habits die hard) and how to find an OBGYN for the very first time on my own and how to make conversation with my neighbors and how to be a sister and a daughter in a new family and mostly, how to be a wife and then a mother.

I have loved this place and these people and what my life has been.

It feels like I did figure out how to put down my roots and start to grow. And it feels like I just really settled in.

But, there’s a change in the works.

My little Tabolt family is moving.

Government budget cuts meant that The Husband’s contract position was not going to be renewed this late Spring. Jobs were considered, options discussed, and at first we tried to figure out ways to stay here.

Then a position was offered from the Corning plant up in my old stomping grounds and we felt peace from God in pursuing.

So, we’re going on our first adventure as a little family. Uprooting ourselves from the world we know together and heading back to my childhood home area to make it our home. We are excited, nervous, and sad to leave behind what we’ll have to leave behind.

The transition will be slow as we prepare this house we’ve made a home for selling and prepare the different ministries we’re serving in at our church to continue without us. Until we’re ready to officially make the move, we’ll be at my parent’s during the week and back here on the weekends.

When God leads, even when He asks you to leave a comfortable and wonderful and loved place, it’s exciting and comforting to follow. Because at the end of the day, I don’t want to be anywhere that’s not where He wants us to be.

2 thoughts on “moving on

  1. “When God leads, even when He asks you to leave a comfortable and wonderful and loved place, it’s exciting and comforting to follow.”

    Amen! I, personally, am a big fan of moving. 🙂 Praying the transition goes smoothly and quickly.

  2. Louissa, this is such exciting news! I love how each of you Sinclair girls have taken turns moving far away and then ending up back in the North Country. There is something so special about being close to family. It’s so sweet when the place God has called us is also one where we can be in community with those we know and love, even if just for a season. Blessings to you as you make the transition!

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