
baby news

I don’t have any creative way of telling other than just coming out and spewing the news at you from excitement, hope, nervousness, anxiousness, joy — I’m pregnant! When your very first pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, there’s a level of uncertainty when you discover you’re expecting again. But more than uncertainty is the joy that comes from the amazing gift you’ve been given.

Thank You, Jesus, for another day of health for this baby.

11 thoughts on “baby news

  1. CONGRADULATIONS!!! Prayers will b flowing from the Cornell house. U2 r amazing and very loved!!

  2. CONRATULATIONS LOUISSA!!! 😀 I’m so happy for you! You can count on prayers from our little family! What a blessing!

  3. I wondered if PD slipped with his recommendation of Melchizadek Daniel ;0) I’ll be praying over your fears and joys!

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