Hi there. I’ve decided that summertime weather and blogging don’t go hand-in-hand. And that’s what we’ve had recently — summertime weather. And really, to be more specific, summertime weather and computers don’t coexist well — in my world at least. I would much rather be outside walking miles (like I have this week) or plop myself on one of my front porch steps with a book than be on the computer when the sun is shining and I can soak up warmth.
But this morning is grey. And not as hot. So, the computer is my friend again.
The happiness in my life lately? The Husband and I have almost hit the one year mark of knowing each other. One year since I sat at an evening session of a Christian conference while he sat in an overstuffed living room chair trying to compose an email to a girl he had never met. One year since I drove home from the conference, completely unaware that this email waited for me in my inbox, and confidently said that I needed no change in my life; I was content where God had me. One year since I sat in bed with a sister trying to sleep beside me and I opened that email (if I remember correctly, sister did not fall asleep so quickly when a loud outburst of, “WHAT IS THIS?!” came from me).
And it’s almost been one year since I kept telling myself to let you, dear reader, in on all the private inner workings of how this boy-meets-girl thing played out.
His email was given to the world here and now I give you my first response to him:
Sorry I’m just getting back; I was away at a conference for the weekend and the “ritzy” Hyatt Regency I was staying at didn’t have free wi-fi (WHAT?!). It was fun to come home and in the midst of lots of work related emails, see this in the mix. New friends, even made online, are awesome.
And I’m not sure I’m altogether as cool as you think, but I won’t burst your bubble of disillusioned thinking. Ha! I’m currently working for my church (yuppers, I work for my Dad and he’s the best boss ever) and have a full-time position in the office. It’s a busy place but I’m well taken care of, work alongside a best friend, and I’m able to invest in a local church full of my favorite people. My life is good.
I must admit that although your parents names were familiar to me, I don’t know much about the Tabolt family. I mentioned your note to my Dad and he only said great things about your parents and the work they’ve done for the Lord. He gave me the go ahead to respond to your email — tell me more about yourself!
Look forward to hearing from you!
I should mention that I made him wait two and a half days before he received this response. Pure torture. And I have to point out the subtle “my Dad knows all about this emailing business” I made sure was present at the end. I remember wondering at the time if he would get it. Yes, I think I made it obvious enough.
What a fun year we’ve had together! Daily I think about the crazy whirlwind adventure I’ve been on since last April 2 when it all began. Life is fun. It really is.