
on a quiet friday night i may –

– do multiple loads of laundry. sometimes you realize it’s been far too long.

– make tuna curry and eat it over rice. my go-to quick meal happens to be a favorite as well. that’s a win.

– scrub a shower floor. do you know how many feet stand on it? actually, don’t think about it.

– make a list for tomorrow’s shopping trip (cardigan for my day, gifts for my day, groomsmen apparel, etc.).

– spend a few minutes purposefully not thinking wedding. quiet moments are needed.

– then spend more minutes thinking wedding than my minutes not thinking wedding.

– curl up on a couch with a friend and watch a movie.

(and now you know why i’ve been neglecting this place. it’s not exactly like creativity is currently abounding when it comes to entertaining the general public with blog posts. someday i’ll be back.

that’s a promise.)

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