i’m one of those strange bloggers who hasn’t cared much about traffic on my site in the past. after being asked twice in the last three weeks how many readers i have, i decided to finally start tracking views. the other night i my brother inserted a code from google analytics so i can start counting.
tonight i checked my stats to see what the last few days have to say about the popularity of my site. i was super excited at the number of hits i get and then i became completely deflated. the tracker says that most visits last between 0-10 seconds. shows how gripping my content is.
0-10 seconds.
that’ll do a number on your blogging pride. i’m thinking that i liked not knowing more.
I think your content is thoroughly captivating! Don’t let the stats throw you. Keep blogging!
Oh, yes please keep blogging. I love to read it.
Just exactly how, I wonder, does the link from facebook look on your stats? If people read it there and comment there, does it look any different on google analytics?
I Love to read your posts!
It works like this: one checks your blog as often as they can, but only finds new material occasionally. Thus, most of their visits end in “Guess I’ll have to check back again in a few hours.”
@mums: no different. facebook directs you directly to my site!
@baby swyka: you make me thankful for so many reasons!
I visit, I visit! well really I read everything from google reader, but do come to your site sometimes to comment… like right now!!! and then I see how cute it is
It took me less than ten seconds to read this post. Next time I’ll take longer.
Quality trumps quantity.
For the writer and the reader.
; )