
busy busy busy

i gave him leftover french toast while i gulped down my coffee.  he asked why i was in a rush this morning.  i told him i had to go to work and his older brother would stay home with him today.  i quickly scribbled a list of chores and school for the day and told him he could have 30 minutes on the x-box this afternoon after all that was finished.  a few dishes were washed and then i ran out the door saying i’d be back in time to make dinner for the two boys of the family.

so here i am.  a run to the bank and post office have happened and i’m settled in my office chair.

7.5 more hours.  then home.  dinner.  and off again to meeting.

i really don’t know how working moms do it.

One thought on “busy busy busy

  1. i’m not sure if this means anything to you but i just wanna say that you are an intriguing young lady and i’m quite fascinated by you – you seem very sweet and you’re intelligent – two characteristics i find to be quite charming – have a good day miss

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