
glad for…

1. living at home.  there are many “pros” to still being under the parents roof — one of them being the ability to save lots and lots of pennies.  buying some groceries and giving rides while filling a gas tank is really the best rent one may ever get.

2. those saved up pennies buying me a macbook.  yup, i did it.  i bought one.  a refurbished one.  but i bought it.  it’s aluminum and looks oh-so-pretty.  unfortunately, i opened it today and instantly knew something was wrong.  that’s when i handed it over to my brother.

3. a brother who spends his afternoon running test on said busted laptop, talking to technical support since i would sound like a doofus trying to explain the problems, and gets me a new one.  what do you do without the nerds of the family taking care of your technical needs?

4. sisters who start playing christmas duets on my piano a month and a half before christmas.  one of them is teaching the other and they slowly are making their way through the books.  some may say it’s too soon, but i don’t mind.  nope, not one bit.

5. having a family to make dinner for.  i spent my afternoon cutting veggies, cooking chicken and shrimp, making alfredo sauce, baking pumpkin bread, and will now make the pasta.  i really really like being in the kitchen.

6. a classic movie loved by all in 1942.  we’ll pile on couches and chairs, rearrange the family room, argue over blankets, light candles, and watch While You Were Sleeping.  have i mentioned that i really like relaxing nights at home?

7. days off.  you don’t know how much i like my saturdays.  they are my sanity.

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