
small town living

i love my town.  i do.  and i love how small town country it is.  we like the fall.  how do we show that?  by decorating with gigantic haymen:

isn’t he just darling?  yeah, i don’t really think so either.  (although i gotta give whoever built the man some credit — i certainly wouldn’t be able to do that.)

and this is the face of small town girl after driving past madrid’s fall mascot day after day shaking her head every.single.time:

the hayman is so large i couldn’t even get all of him in the picture (i know — just stand farther away from him, louissa)!  please note the light to make sure that everyone sees him after the sun sets.

i’m thinking that if we slowly start adding other figures to the scene year after year, eventually we’ll attract tourists in the north country.  saranac lake has their ice castle, ottawa has ice sculptures and the tulip festival, lake placid has gorgeousness and mountains, and madrid will have the hay people city!  genius, madrid.

this is small town living.

4 thoughts on “small town living

  1. What she’s embarrassed to tell you is that in family discussion the other night several of us loudly declared a fondness for this hayman. What can I say? We think he’s fun!

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