
my phone journey

after living with a very not-that-great-but-it’s-free nokia phone for over a year, i decided that it was time for a change.  so with a bit of a deal i spent some bucks and purchased a blackberry pearl.

i went into the AT&T store convinced that i wouldn’t need anything but a simple phone that would give me the ability to make phone calls and text.  the salesman was convinced otherwise.  every gadget he could come up with to try to get me to pay a few dollars instead of just using my simple upgrade he threw my way.  i shook my head to the very large massive full keypad options, the phones that flipped or swiveled open in a cool way, and the phones that could also be your mp3 (already have the pink iPod!) player.  but then he brought me to the the blackberry pearl.  it was white with pink — pink — swirly designs on the back.  i didn’t know anything else about it and i didn’t care that i’d have to give a few of my pennies away for it.  i quickly said, “i want that one.”

i had the sudden realization that i’m a compulsive buyer.

it came with a data plan.  you know, internet and not much else but they make it seem cool so you end up paying 35 extra dollars a month for it.  i had to keep it for the first month but then i could rid myself of the unwanted extra expense.

the goal is to get you addicted within the first month.

and i’ve realized that i’m not only a compulsive buyer, i’m the perfect candidate for getting hooked to unneeded pleasures.  i still have my data plan. email wherever i went, facebook to entertain when i was bored, and the ability to look anything up on google whenever i want.  sweet bliss.

but not really.

my phone’s LSD light flashes at me every few minutes throughout the day notifying me not only when i receive a text or phone call but also whenever anyone emails me or sends me a facebook message.  and i’ve realized how ridiculous it is that i now have not one but two inboxes to take care of.  what i delete in one i delete in another and what i open in one i delete in the other to get the ridiculous light to stop flashing at me.  what is posted on my facebook wall comes to my gmail, my cell phone, and in the form of a small red notification box when i go to my homepage.

and it’s $35 more a month.  what am i doing?

simple really is best.  let’s stick to the texting and regular phone calls, alright?

One thought on “my phone journey

  1. I think you can turn off the notifications on the Facebook end in your preferences. That may save you a few texts each day. The Blackberry Pearl is a very cute phone, and I’d probably want one — if I hadn’t already fallen in love with my hubby’s new iPhone. I’m hoping they will open up the iPhone to the Verizon network soon. Enjoy your new phone, with all its bells and whistles!

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