
sister outing

i’m not sure how it happened but the family somehow got split up into groups: “the three big girls” (what every 12 year old wants to be called), “the two middle ones” (we were never really called by that, but the middle children have got to have something awkward about them), “the three little girls”, and “merrick” (not sure how he pulled that one off but somehow he got his own group name?).

one of the middle ones took the three little girls out for dinner last night… sort of.  the evening started out by said middle one going to mumsie and saying, “can i borrow cash or your credit card? i don’t have my card on me.”

but anyway.

we had fun in the car:

we had fun at the restaurant (so this is outside it):

and we had fun on our way to coffee:

i think everyone should have sisters.

4 thoughts on “sister outing

  1. wow you guys all have the same eyes. did you plan to line up brunette, red head, brunette, red head? 🙂 looks like a fun night!

  2. @liz – we took the “eye” shot because we realized how similar they are! and um, no we didn’t plan the line-up — just happened.

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