
my monday

i couldn’t see past the white ground that lay between my window and the street. as might happen when one gets tired of staring at a computer screen, i glanced out my window every now and then to only be reminded that i couldn’t see a thing. i was wrapped in a blanket of the abyss — just me by myself with the whiteness. and it was a wonderful thing.

snow is annoying.  and yet, i don’t really want it to melt quite yet.  it can stay for a little bit longer, can’t it?

harry connick junior is playing. my mumsie is making dinner — oh! another comment on him singing out of key. one of the “little girls” walks past, blowing her nose. the table cloth is red and all of our “country style” knick-knacks hang in the kitchen windows. yes, this is christmas at home.

i laughed when i saw the rearranged family room, awaiting a tree that won’t be brought in until next monday. i guess there’s no harm in planning and doing in advance.

i am in need of snowflake cutters. you know — i want them to look like the ones she always makes. yes, then i will sprinkle glitter on them, tie them with a silver string, and hang them in the frosted windows of the our building on market street in potsdam. if only i was as good in real life as i am online.

3 thoughts on “my monday

  1. aw..thank-you!! You looked absolutley amazing and you played wonderfully=] Even though you might have been nervous…you played beautifully. Great job! =]

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