

there are two bunkbeds and a single bed on one side of the room.  two large wardrobes are where all five of us girls keep our belongings and one of them defines where the bedroom area ends and where are living room begins.  we have two couches, a bookshelf, and a desk.  there are flowers on our desk, twinkle lights hanging above our windows, and posters of ladies from the 20’s hanging above one couch.

it’s our evening ritual to find out who is showering the next morning.  if not everyone is home by 11:00 pm, then we get a phone call asking what are plans are going to be.  if we say yes then we have to pick a time to shower.  when all five of us want to shower in the morning the first person is up at 5:45 am so that we can all be ready and out the door for 7:30 devotions.

sometimes we turn the light off at night but we stay awake talking.  i sleep on the top of one of the bunks and often my head ends up hanging over the edge so i can look at the girl who sleeps beneath me while we talk.

one room, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and five girls.  i like it.

– – –

it’s gray outside and it’s my day off.  norah jones is playing, the scent from my vanilla candle has filled the room, my hot cocoa is almost gone, and it’s times like this that i’d be tempted to say that my life is perfect.

i’m so quick to say things are perfect, that my life is just how it should be.  won’t heaven be a surprise since i think that this is perfection.

4 thoughts on “details

  1. Nice. Sounds a bit more – no, a lot more – orderly than my place for the time being. Hopefully we will turn that around…in time. 😉

  2. thank you for the letter (i finally got it. 🙂 ) it was so nice to read–and im in the process of writing one in reply. hopefully ill have it finished in time to actually send it before you come home.

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