

“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”  – 2 Corinthians 7:10

i’ve been thinking about the difference between godly sorrow and worldy sorrow.
i’ve been thinking that worldly sorrow leaves one with no hope — there is no salvation beyond it all.
i’ve been thinking about how this verse says godly sorrow “leaves no regret”.
i’ve been thinking about the fact that i have regrets — many regrets.
i’ve been thinking about how i feel as though i’m somehow not able to live beyond those regrets — like the things i’ve done that i can’t seem to get past will always drag me down and dictate who i am.
i’ve been thinking of the shame that comes with these regrets.
i’ve been thinking that i live with worldly sorrow.
i’ve been thinking that i’ve not be living as a forgiven child of God.
i’ve been thinking what a wonder it is to have the Living God work in your heart.
i’ve been thinking that He is so good.

One thought on “thinking.

  1. He is our Redeemer. Somehow – the wonder of His miraculous power – is that He redeems it ALL! All things work together for good…”

    That’s why we can have nothing to drag us down. Everything the enemy intended for harm to us and to the Kingdom of God is turned to good use against him. That foolish devil.

    I love you. I love your thinking. I love Him and His wondrous plan for you!

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