

nine days.  strange to think that i arrived here almost one year ago.  it was hot then too, although i wasn’t prepared for warm weather since september 19th at home is a bit cooler than here on the Bodensee.  i’ve started packing again.  this packing is different.  it’s exciting — i’m moving on again — but it’s… Continue reading packing



sometimes, well, days like today, i find myself asking why i can’t be perfect. i’m tired of always doing the wrong things.  i’m tired of the sin cycles i’m in.  i’m tired of never having the right perspective.  i’m tired of being so selfish.  i’m tired of myself. so i try to right myself.  i… Continue reading untitled



there are two bunkbeds and a single bed on one side of the room.  two large wardrobes are where all five of us girls keep our belongings and one of them defines where the bedroom area ends and where are living room begins.  we have two couches, a bookshelf, and a desk.  there are flowers on… Continue reading details



i’m feeling so very distant and out of touch with those i love the most.  this morning while i made beds and felt quite lonely someone mentioned that i’ll be going home in exactly one month from today.  it’s a long month with thirty-one days in it, but in fact, i will be flying home in a… Continue reading almost



“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”  – 2 Corinthians 7:10 i’ve been thinking about the difference between godly sorrow and worldy sorrow. i’ve been thinking that worldly sorrow leaves one with no hope — there is no salvation beyond it all. i’ve been thinking… Continue reading thinking.