

sometimes i feel like a normal person.

after a day spent away in a nearby city, three of us drove to the grocery store and bought meat, potatoes, and a pineapple for me.  the boys were in charge of grilling the purchased meat and the girls made potatoes, filled a pitcher with water, and set the table in the borrowed kitchen.  we sat there for over an hour talking, laughing, and telling stories just like i used to do at home.  it felt good.

i took a walk with a friend today and it reminded me of all the walks i’ve taken with my lovely sisters.  we talked of the upcoming fall, leaving bodenseehof, and not really knowing where we’re going.  she asked what i was thinking concerning decisions i need to be making and as i walked i thought aloud and she listened.  i realized i didn’t really talk about what the options were, but more what i feel like i’m learning or should be learning through this.  but it was lovely.

i’m having issues with my knees.  whenever i do anything at all physically active, for a few days afterwards my knees bother me.  someone said it’s because i was running with my junk shoes from Kazakhstan that cost a few pennies.  tonight i started doing something i used to do on a regular basis: browse every store online.  i went here and here and here and finally here where i actually saw what i was looking for.  i felt like a girl again.

4 thoughts on “sometimes

  1. All my girls and their “sneakers”! What is happening around here – where are the good ol’ Capezios?! 😉

    Maybe we’ll all sign up for group dance lessons when you get home. What fun that would be!

  2. Your friend who pointed out the problem with your shoes is very smart. 🙂 You would be amazed what a difference a good pair of shoes makes.

    ps. I enjoy reading all about your adventures. I wish there was some way you could ship me a large box of those cherries, they looked wonderful. I haven’t had a cherry pie since I used my last batch of cherries from the freezer, about four years ago.

  3. don’t worry, mumsie. i haven’t actually purchased any new shoes… at least not yet. i figured i should wait until i get home before i order something from a company that ships in the US.

    and i can tell you what happened to your girls and why your Capezios don’t work anymore. you have daughters who have started playing tennis and thanks to CFA, have started running. suddenly Capezios don’t quite cut it anymore. but they do look much cuter. : )

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