
my day

saw a inbox that’s full and wrote one in reply.

watched apple crisp be made that’s now been eaten.

glanced at a German workbook that went untouched.

put a check next to the box for “exercise”.

listened to frank sinatra.

sang and did actions to “Peace Like A River” for the billionth time this summer.

played games that louissa doesn’t play like billiards, kicker, tisch tennis.

hummed new favorite song:  “Please Man” by Big and Rich and Wyclef Jean — what more could you want?

used the word “lift” instead of “elevator” again.

comforted by words to a childrens song.  Jesus love me! He will stay, Close beside me all the way…

3 thoughts on “my day

  1. i purchased a plane ticket this afternoon and in less than a month i will be at the sinclair household (hopefully) and missing you terribly.

  2. 1st : i miss you sooo much. i never thought a year could go by so slowly. im ready for it to be september. im ready for you to come home now. : )
    2nd : thanks for the complement. loveliest is something no one else has called me. and when its from you it means something very special to me. thanks.

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