so it seems that i’m obsessed with “reflection” pictures. one, two, three, four, five, and now six. or maybe i’m vain. nah, that can’t be it.
saturday and sunday were free. saturday we walked seven kilometers. sunday we canoed eighteen. now every muscle in my body aches (i can’t believe how much of your back you use paddling!). but it’s been so nice (maybe too nice) and so fun to have a camera.
ah, summertime.
You’ve given me a bit of hope with these pictures. I’m aching for spring/summer in the prescence of all this snow we’ve gotten.
it would be so wonderful if you came home & brought the summer weather with you
miss you.
that necklace reminds me of fun times too. i wish you could visit for my birthday again. =) miss you.
Do you have rocketdog shoes?
*Mad props on your outdoor shots, I wish it would get that nice here so I can take some of my own!
N, yeah, those are rocketdog shoes. super comfortable — i love ’em.
Hey Louissa, your dad gave me your letter friday. i will be sending you one soon.
I love you
and miss you lots