last night we had “Swedish Night.” there was much face painting and some dressed up like vikings (umm…er, where’d my picture of them go?). and then there was our group who found €1 “Sweden” hats from the World Cup. but after eating our swedish meatballs we took our hats off and donned our skirts and tops for our musical number where betty was with jimmy, but broke up with him, which actually caused him to have a motorcycle accident and die. i know, ridiculous but it was fun.Â
and i know that i’ve been told that i post crazy pictures of myself, but this one is because of my crazy sisters.
there are other random photos…
that shirt that you are wearing to be make-believe-Sandra-D is adorable! I hope its yours!
i loved that shirt too!
you girls are so cute in that picture!!
yeah, bummer news for everyone who liked that top so much. it’s not mine!
but this tells me that i should probably stop buying such boring tops and buy some fun ones so that the clothing i wear that people like so much i’ll be able to bring home!
Louissa i miss you sooooo much!