
i just feel like talking

Steve said we’ll have between 300-500 people here tomorrow night.  Thomas asked me to sing the solo during the choir song, Mary Did You Know?  i walked Valentina home and it was raining.  Andy said that we should have snow sometime this week, but the rest of us disagree.  Sara thinks i look and sound like Reba.  Alison thinks i make funny faces when i play piano.  Jillian and i are good friends now and we’re singing a song together tomorrow night.  Jillian left me a snickers bar in my mailbox today and i’m taking her to my aunt judy’s this summer.  when questions are directed towards me in regards to my family, Janel always answers (today Janel started telling someone about our family dinners on tuesdays).  Ashley always tells me about the funny things that i do while on stage.  today while i was shopping for a Christmas present for a somebody in my K-Group, a boy made fun of my laugh, an old woman told me to be quiet, and i hit a complete stranger with a roll of wrapping paper because i thought it was Janel.  today i decided that i’ve never been more loud, talkative, or obnoxious than here at bodenseehof.

but we always have a jolly time.  nice, eh?

3 thoughts on “i just feel like talking

  1. Actually it does sound pretty nice. Wish I could here you sing. Maybe you will have to do that one for us!


    And tell Janel I hope to meet her soon as well. Daddy and I are hoping for a late January, early Feb. drop in at the Bod!

  2. sounds like fun! i wish i could’ve been there when you hit the complete stranger. that’s great picture!

    a lady actually told you to be quiet in a public place? they must have a really calm culture.

    i really wish that I could hear you sing. i miss your voice!!! when you get home we’ll have to sing lots of dixie chicks, nickel creek, and of course a little shania!

  3. I read your posts and look at your pictures and can’t help think what a wonderful experience you’re having. In the midst of all the trials, you’re forging friendships that may last a lifetime. You also get to see some of the world’s best mountians and lakes, not to mention quaint towns. Make the most of your time in the “Old Country.” When it’s over, it’ll seem too soon.

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