

yes, we were able to sleep an extra hour last night and yes, we should be full of energy because of it, but we’re not. all afternoon, camped on every couch and comfortable chair you could find bodenseehof students reading and writing. there were purchases of coffee and tea being made to keep warm and some of us kept putting more shirts and sweaters on. it was a gray and rainy day here — typical bodensee weather that we haven’t experienced until now.

it’s funny how weather can be so tempermental. yesterday found me on a canoe for over an hour and afterwards i walked for over an hour (yes, over 5 sports points!). i wore a t-shirt and jeans and was warm in them. there are flowers still in bloom here and the trees are just changing colors. i’m told that if you further up north it’s different but here it feels like the beginning of september rather than the end of october.

it’s been more than six weeks since i’ve had my hair trimmed and i’m starting to notice. i’ve also run out of my lovely redken product and have resorted to the common supplies you can buy in grocery stores. my sister would be horrified if she saw what i’m doing.

i don’t have an iPod. everyone here has an iPod. because of that, i don’t need an iPod. afternoons like this one finds me sitting next to a friend with one ear piece in listening to michael buble and thinking of home. it’s rather fun.

speaking of home… i have two more things on my board in my bedroom. a scribbled picture from my baby girl and a note from my big boy. everyone “oohs” and “ahhs” over my pictures and a note that starts with “Dear Aunt Louissa” and ends with “Have a good time in Germany, Louissa. Love, Gabriel.” it all came in a card from their mama and made me smile and be happy. after reading the card over and over and hanging the other two things up, i sat and stared at them. i was so happy.

it’s dark here and it shouldn’t be. it makes me sleepy and want to go to bed but when i look at the clock i realize that it’s only 19:04 and i have 25 minutes until our evening service starts. bummer dude.

3 thoughts on “conversation

  1. hey what is your mailing address..i would like to wright you a letter some time.. you can e-mail it to me or jsut leave me a comment on myspace…

    I love you so much and i am hoping you are have tons and tons of fun!

  2. Louissa-

    I love reading your posts! I miss you so much. Mom and I are on our way home from Orlando, Fl. Looking at a calendar, I’m thinking that we get to see you in… 7 weeks! Hurray!

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