
almost september

i’m sorry if i’ve let my melancholy mood seep into my posts. i’ve not been a very good example of what a victorious Christian walk is supposed to look like recently and if it’s come across through this website, i’m sorry.

maybe it’s the fact that i’m leaving soon — 20 days to be exact. but who’s counting? maybe it’s the fact that the days are getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler, and my babies will keep growing. another baby will be had, thanksgiving will be eaten, and snow will have fallen before i come back.

or maybe it’s that it’s almost september and i didn’t expect it to be this hard. i didn’t think i’d be thinking this much about him.

he was going to give me his belt buckle once he got a new one, did you know that?

i’ve been feeling worn out. with more then just this on my mind i wondered why my trip to germany wasn’t coming sooner.

oh, how silly i’ve been trying to deal with this on my own — thinking i was big enough to carry it all myself. and how good my Jesus is to come to me and remind me to give it to Him. His love is greater than it all and i love being confident in that.

You are so good to me
You heal my broken heart
You are my Father in Heaven

4 thoughts on “almost september

  1. i am gonna miss you so much when you go to Germany.. thatts far away. But GOD is really gonna us you there, so just have faith in HIM that everything will be alright

    I love you Loussia

  2. “or maybe it’s that it’s almost september and i didn’t expect it to be this hard. i didn’t think i’d be thinking this much about him.

    he was going to give me his belt buckle once he got a new one, did you know that?”

    Who is being talked about here? It can’t be God correct because I don’t think God would give you his belt buckle…maybe I am wrong though.


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