

two not so great photos of either of us, but it shows jamie’s new technique.  the “shake it while you take it” technique.

remember muslim women?  there were some that came to one of the outreaches this past weekend and the pastor was able to talk to them for awhile.  they watched our dramas and listened to our songs and i can only pray that the Lord really stirred something inside of them.

i found myself singing kenny chesney today, only to realize that i haven’t listened to any of my music in three weeks.  i miss home and my family. 

but anway.  we leave at 6:30 in the morning tomorrow for madrid, spain.  so i’m goin’ to bed.

5 thoughts on “last

  1. I miss you sooo much! Do u remember me?
    U can call me weneva u want. Uh….Camilla and Liana should have it. I really wanna keep in touch but i seem to find dat kinda hard…sry bout dis riting/ typin….lolz. Luv u lots!

  2. everyone keeps asking, “when do they come home?” And I always say, with pouty lips, “not soon enough.” yesterday when I spent every second I could listening to Keith in a black forerunner that I was borrowing, I thought of you the whole time. Missing you like crazy.

  3. Um, like- you know Carina is so totally like proud of you that you have like product in your hair, OK? So, like- glad to hear you’re totally on your way home. Soooo many people miss you guys! Ok? So, OK!

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