
out and about

i’m wearing yellow socks today. i’ve found that my hippie love for anything burt’s bees extends to not only lotion and soap, but also their socks.

if you had driven past the bridge today, you might have seen exploring old trails and enjoying this wonderful weather.

i would love it to be just a little bit warmer. then i could, with a good conscience, pull out my sandals.

9 thoughts on “out and about

  1. I love wearing flip flop during 0 below weather.. i do it alll the time.. exspeically to school.. teachers think im nuts =]…oh well…

    And usally i wear toe socks with y flip flops.. just incase my little toes dont freeze .)

  2. ive never seen burts bees socks.

    i straightened my hair today, and it was almost to my waist. i guess thats the hippie in me – putting off getting a haircut until the worlds end.

    and i really want my sandals. and to get a little burnt by the sun.

  3. so the hippie in me? hmmm…..it’d probably be the natural look/ natural food thing. And the hair. I haven’t had a real haircut in forever.
    I’ve brought out my flip flops. It feels good.

  4. i thought the same thing your mom did when i read this. :p

    i’m going to potsdam’s musical tonight (you should definitely go see it this weekend) and then massena’s tomorrow night. you’re welcome to tag along, i could give you a ride. 🙂

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