
dear reader

here we are, at the halfway point.

i now know i am one of the most phlegmatic team members. get this. we leave for madrid on sunday. i dont (i cant figure out how to get an apostrophe. sorry) want to go. i know malaga and algeciras. i know the people. i like the people. why would i want to go somewhere where i dont know anyone and am not familiar with anything? my mum says, “louissa, there will be great people there as well.” i know that. but i still dont want to go.

mrs.spyker is now here. she was visiting ireland when we first came to spain. shes home and i simply adore her. she loves me, i love her, and its all good.

our trip to morocco was… interesting. i “rode” a camel (for 1 euro) and bought a few trinkets. my mum bought a rug. the men are very forward there. i dont know if they realize that telling me im beautiful is not the way to get me to buy their ware. one guy told me to take him home. all the boys on the team wanted to see if they could sell me. josh spyker told them that men from morocco like their women a little more… chunky, but the red hair might do it. yes, i found it all so funny.

we were really tired last night. we werent going to do a major outreach, but we went to a plaza, sat around, and sang songs. some of us were on the ground and three guys from denmark came, plopped down between leslie and i, opened the beer and chocolate they had, and joined us. we were able to share the gospel and personal testimonies with them. it was a great time.

we head to Tarifa tonight. we did an outreach there on monday night and the guy wanted us back. it is an incredible town with so much history and on the drive you look out and see africa. its amazing. im excited about getting out on the streets again.

speakin the truth now
so you all can hear

9 thoughts on “dear reader

  1. Hi Louissa:

    This is Bob Dale. I just back from the book convention in Denver and am finally able to write an e-mail. Please pass this along to Austin and Lydia. We are so proud of you guys and praying for you every day. Renee tried to write earlier but had computer problems. She has tried to call on four occassions but has never been able to get through to anybody. This is finally a way that I found to get through to you and thus Austin and Lydia. Thanks for the letter Austin. It was newsy and good to hear. And we did get your message Lydia on the phone. I am home for a few hours and then leaving with mom and Zenna to go to Beyond the Song. We are all doing well. Zenna misses you and so do we. We’ll keep praying and look forward to seeing you next week. God bless you all and may God’s grace be yours in abundance.

    Love, Bob (Dad), Renee (Mom), and Zenna (moochie)

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