

ah. so i’m here. finally here. thinking about blogging — something i haven’t done in what? four days? i know, it’s been awhile for me.

as we drove home from last minute shopping, we listened to the cd i had just purchased. a 2 track bo bice cd. yes, i’m in heaven.

danica is married. it was a lovely wedding. a pretty wedding. yes, i loved it.

saturday morning i was greeted by gabriel. “it’s weasa! i love you weasa!” last night i was on the floor watching the yankee/mets game. he came and laid down with me and i wished that i could spend more time with him.

she looked so pretty on saturday. well, for that matter so did i. (i had to put that in for everyone who already thinks i’m vain. i have to keep it up!)

i volunteered the information to someone this weekend that that i am “the most spoiled seventeen year old you’ll ever meet.” now why would you say that to someone you just met?

i believe i’m going to go to nepal. i’m not going to worry about money and piano. i just have to keep in mind what she (the girl on the left) reminded me of. God will provide.

i absolutely adore the tallo’s. maybe it’s because they adore me. it’s always easier to adore someone when they adore you back, right?

alright. i’ll be gone. for three weeks. i know, you’ll miss me. but i’ll miss you.

to the real madrid i’m going!

5 thoughts on “odds-n-ends

  1. Nepals, thats supercoohl. To think of it I’m not sure of where exactly that is but I’m sure it will be a rewarding time. Wait Nepals is in Italy. I’m sorry I just blanked for a second on that one. Well I’m off to work I hope you are enjoying your new cd still :). Take care.


  2. i’m glad you adore the tallos. recently i asked pastor tallo if i could call him t-bone as a nickname. he was none too pleased but did get the joke. heheheheh he’s like my uncle i had to do it.

    i hope you guys have an amazing time in spain and when you go to nepal……say hello to the himalayas for me….say hello to everest if you see it!

  3. Louissa, this is for your mom. Her site didn’t seem to be working. This is a message relayed from your dad as he was traveling.

    I spoke with the credit card company. They said that Spain is the list of blocked countries. After they saw the charge on Wednesday they shut down our card. The reason for this is that Spain is a country that has a high rate of fraudulent use of credit cards. After I spoke with them they went ahead and unblocked our credit card for use in Spain. You should be able to use it now. They recommend, however, that you maintain careful records of any legitimate use of the card in case fraudulent charges appear during the next few months. Liz Nordberg should take the same precautions.

    I need to speak with you about Nepal. Two new items:
    -One, the CFC missions ministry will be able to pay a higher percentage of the airfare than originally anticipated. If we are able to secure tickets for the hoped for price, it would help the members on that trip.
    -Two, Nancy Hull is willing to go on the trip in your place. She would rather see you go (but I’m thinking I would rather see her go).

    I tried to call Tom Spyker’s phone number today, but I found out that I can’t call internationally on my cell phone. Is there any way you could try to call me today (Friday)? I’ll be leaving Pittsburgh at 8:30 am and traveling to Cincinnati. I should have decent reception throughout the day. By the way, we are still waiting for the confirmation of the Nepal ticket price.

  4. funny thing, i just bought the Carrie Underwood cd…………well we’re all different ………still friends??

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